Thursday, October 24, 2013


Today we hiked to Coyote Mountain, and explored as high up as we could get (I guess coyotes can climb up rocky grades better than we can!). The mountain is a little ways from our campsite. As we went up, I took photos of Clark's Lake (Dry), which was used in the past as a radio observatory, and as a bombing target for the military. I kept imagining what the yellow-brown lake-bed would look like if it were as blue as a clear mountain lake! On the mountain we saw coyote caves and lots and lots and lots of rocks - the diversity of the rocks here is astounding!

At the base of Coyote Mountain, looking toward the Dry Lake
Ocatillo, with the lake in the background
A Coyote cave - they yip a lot at night here!

Looking down from the mountain - our Chinook is down on the far plain
This shrub is as white as bones - it's not dead though, just dormant
Teeny Darell at the top of one of the peaks

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