Monday, February 17, 2014


Valentine's Day, and our wedding anniversary! In celebration, we took a drive along backroads to visit points of interest upriver, we picnicked on a rock at "The Outpost," and when night fell underneath a full (or almost full - how would we know? We don't have any internet!) moon, we made a moon-shadow heart by holding hands (to make the point of the heart) and arching our arms above our heads to form the rest of the heart as we took the garbage to the campground cans - so romantic! The Chinook honored our wedding anniversary by having the refrigerator give up the ghost - all our food went bad (we'd just gotten groceries when we left Anza Borrego!). The drive upriver included stops at three "boat-in" campgrounds, where those canoeing or kayaking down the Colorado River can stop and camp overnight before boating onward. The mix of desert and river is fascinating! Geographic note: Picacho State Rec Area is located in the Picacho Peak Wilderness - the Peak can be seen from the campground, and at its left is a double peak that is called "Tetas de las Cabras" (teats of the goat). If I'd known that I would be spending my 19th wedding anniversary in full view of "The Goats' Tits," I'm not so sure I would have got married - just sayin'.

Picacho Peak in the middle, Tetas de las Cabras on the left
Close up of the aforementioned "teats"

A palm tree along the bank of the Colorado River
View from the beach campground upriver
Another view from the beach

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